
Medical helpline

Our medical helpline, accessible through an annual subscription service, allows customers to pick up a phone and talk directly to a friendly, UK based, General Medical Council registered doctor 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The service selects a suitable specialist based on an easy-to-navigate in call menu, and in this way acts as a virtual hospital. A doctor can be accessed through local or international numbers, via video using a webcam, or via an email with attachments. Find out more…

Second Opinion

When it comes to making important decisions concerning your healthcare, it’s important to feel confident and satisfied with the medical advice you receive. CHP offers an annual subscription service that allows you to seek a second consultation from among a panel of recognised experts, with a fast turnaround to prevent any potential delay to treatment. Find out more…

Personal Virtual Medical Records

A personal virtual medical record allows your medical history to be accessed and easily updated wherever in the world you happen to be. This ensures that any medical practitioner is able to retrieve your records and access critical information on your health in the case of an emergency.
. Find out more…


With versatility and customer-responsiveness at the heart of our company ethos, Crossborder Health Partners is ideally placed to design and customise specialised covers to meet the specific needs of insurers and brokers. Find out more…

Treatment abroad

If your condition requires a treatment that is not available in your home country or if you elect to go abroad for treatment, we can offer depending on the selected destinations to provide you with a package of services. Find out more…