Understanding Health Insurance

Unparalleled coverage and quality care no matter where in the world you may be.

Our Plans

The Privilege Plan

Our Privilege Health plan serves as the cost-effective superhero cape for individuals combatting health challenges. This plan offers:

What am I covered for?

  Our Privilege Health plan covers you for the below vital benefits:

Hospital treatment

Inpatient and daycare treatment

Pre/Post hospitalisation recovery

60 days before admission and 90 days after the discharge

Cancer Cover

Consultations, diagnostic tests, scans, acute, surgery, Radio and chemotherapies

Evacuation and Repatriation

Evacuation in case of life-threatening conditions when not available locally

Think you might a different cover ElitePrivelegeGold

Level of cover

The detailed table below shows the level of coverage you have on our Privilege plan:

1General Terms
a.Areas of coverW/W excluding USA or Worldwide
bOverall policy benefit allowance$ 1,000,000
2In-patient and Day-care Treatment (1)
a.Hospital accomodationStandard private room
b.Hospital treatment (1)Full Refund
c.Surgical implants as part of the treatment (excluding any dental implants)Full Refund
d.Organ transplant (1)Full Refund
e.Reconstructive Surgery (1)Full Refund
f.In-patient Rehabilitation (1)Included up to 28 days per event
g.Parent Accommodation (2)Included
h.Home nursing (1)Included (Max 8 weeks)
3Pre and post-hospitalisation treatment (1)
a.Pre-hospitalisation treatment (up to 60 days before admission)Full Refund
b.Post-hospitalisation treatment (within 90 days after discharge) Full Refund
4Cancer Cover In-Patient, Day-Patient, Out-Patient (1)
a.Consultations, Diagnostic tests, Scan, Oncology (all cancer treatments) Surgery, Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy (1)Full Refund
5Out-patient treatment benefits Limit $ 10,000
a.Kidney dialysis (1)within OP limit
b. Surgical procedures (1)within OP limit
c.Primary and Specialist care within OP limit
d.Computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography and gait scans (1)within OP limit
e.Emergency treatment due to accidentwithin OP limit
f.Physiotherapy and speech therapy (1)Up to $ 100 per session 5 sessions only after prior approval within Out-patient limit
g.Pre-existing conditions $ 2,000 after 270 consecutive days of membership within Out-patient limit
hAlternative and Wellbeing MedicineNot covered
6Dental Treatment
a.Accidental damage to natural teethFull Refund
bOral and maxillofacial surgery (1)within OP limit
c.Treatment of cancers (For lesion or lump in the mouth) Pre-existing condition limitations apply to this benefit. Full Refund within Overall limit
d.Routine and major dental care Not covered
7Eye Care Benefits
a.Routine Optical Care including tests Not covered
8Preventive Health/Wellness Checks
a.Health Check $ 750 per year
Available only after 365
consecutive days membership
b.Vaccination Up to $750
Vaccines as per Min. of Health requirements only after 90 days membership
9Maternity Care
a.Pre and post-natal complications Up to
$ 10,000
Available only after 365
consecutive days membership
b.Normal Pregnancy and childbirth Up to
$ 10,000
Available only after 365
consecutive days membership
c.New Born Baby Coverage covered within Normal Pregnancy and childbirth limit
10New Born Cover Benefits
a.Treatment of congenital conditions Up to $ 100,000 per lifetime
11Other Benefits
a.Local road ambulance transport Included
b.Psychiatric treatment Sublimit of 14 days in-patient and 12 sessions out-patient
$ 10,000 per lifetime
c.Hospice and palliative care $ 150 per night
(max 14 nights)
d.Cash benefit $ 200 per night
e.Outside Area of Cover Up to 6 weeks up to a limit of $ 50,000 or Worldwide
12Evacuation and Repatriation Included
(1) Please note that any claim under this item for any treatment needs to be pre-authorized by us otherwise a 25% co-insurance will apply
(2) The child must be covered by the policy and be having treatment that is covered by your policy

Bearing in mind...

The information provided in this comparison table offers a brief overview of the available plan. It does not include the complete details, terms and conditions, limitations, or exclusions that would apply if you decide to purchase the plan. For a thorough understanding, we strongly recommend that you review the plan agreements, which contain comprehensive information. Reading these documents alongside the  table of benefits will help you make an informed decision and ensure that you are fully aware of all aspects of the plan you choose.

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